Archive | December 2012

Merry Christmas – from the McCaughnas

‘Twas the week before Christmas and the McCaughna family
Was hustling and bustling and trimming the tree.

The stockings were hung on the mantle today
Because Christmas Eve is not far away!

The children are already very excited
We’re hoping their gifts will make them delighted

Mom and dad are getting excited, too.
However, we still have SO MUCH to do!

And what, last week, on our lawn did appear?
Why Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus are here!

Seems Aaron’s grown 4 inches since the starting of school
Uncle Dave’s coaching basketball & they both think that’s cool!

The twins are both growing so fast!
It’s hard to believe how fast time goes past!

Coach-pitch was our sport of the spring
At a pitching machine they learned how to swing!

All three of the children played soccer this fall
Many goals scored and much fun was had by all.

We were able to take a vacation this year.
When they heard about Disney, the kids gave a cheer!

Great Wolfe Lodge was our next destination
Aaron got sick and spoiled that vacation!

We camped much this summer and had a great time
And this dear friends is the end of my rhyme!

As we remember Christ’s birth and the star that shone bright
“Happy Chritmas to all, and to all a good-night!”